Probably more than you want to know...
I was born in a snow storm on a winter's day in the Steel City. Enjoying a comfortable upbringing and early education in a public school, complete with barefoot summers full of swimming and fireflies, my start in life was nicely rooted in the fertile forests of western Pennsylvania.
At age 19, I found myself enjyoing the lovely small city of Boulder, Colorado for the summer and decided to stay. After that, many adventures ensued, including travels in Nepal, India, Thailand and Hawaii.
The years have offered many opportunities to learn about life, practice many arts and delve deep into philosopical and practical pursuits.
I currently make my home in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, enjoying all that nature has to offer, furthering my studies and practices, creating unique items and helping others when I can. In the summer months, my husband and I run a hiking tour company in Rocky Mountain National Park.